I was junk food and cigarettes and beer, and I was everything, every night. Mraz says the advice he’d give to this younger version of himself is pretty simple: “Just relax, you don’t need the tramp stamp, you can quit smoking sooner than you think, it’s gonna be OK. Looking for love in all the wrong places, I guess, but still asking questions about why am I here and what is the meaning of life. I wasn’t fully realized in life and I was 23, 24, so I’m writing songs that are more for that age. “I felt like I was thrown into it too soon.

“I think back then, it’s all I knew so I felt both like a winner, but I felt a little unworthy,” Mraz says of the starting-out days. Mystical Magical Rhythmical Radical is Mraz’s eighth studio LP and comes 21 years after his first album, Waiting for My Rocket to Come, which produced breakout hits including “The Remedy (I Won’t Worry)” and “You and I Both.”

Talented music singer, BabyTron drops this impressive track named Rage Quit Mp3.

Sometimes life is about cheering yourself on to get through the day.” Download BabyTron Rage Quit Mp3 Download. “Historically, had I been doing this at a younger age, I would have been hormonally charged to try to create these dancefloor bangers,” he says, “but as you get older those moments are still precious, but it’s not what all of life is about. “Rage Quit” by Kitty Bytes is available online worldwide.“Those words ‘before it’s too late’ reverberated around the room,” Mraz continues, “and I thought… am I too old to make upbeat music?’ So I wanted to challenge myself and my bandmates we all challenged each other to make this album you could dance to.”īut Mraz, who turned 46 on the day of the new album’s release, wanted to make dance music for people his age, which caused him to approach the themes of the album from a different perspective than those in a lot of mainstream pop. I hope listeners can feel the same emotions I felt through this single.” 'Rage Quit' captures some of the anger I have felt when I played games, and I wrote it as a way to release that energy through music. This album particularly speaks to all gamers out there who have had bad gaming experiences. Speaking of his motivation to make music and the themes thereof, Kitty Bytes writes, “I created this single to share my love for electronic music and show my creativity. Refreshingly, “Rage Quit” sounds much more akin to the music of earlier games, particularly that of the Atari 2600. While electronic music and video gaming have shared a growing relationship over the last decade, much of the audible artifacts have belonged to the 8-bit, Nintendo-Entertainment-System style of music. Evidence of this is the title of his new single, “Rage Quit,” which in gaming parlance means to ubruptly exit a game in progress out of frustration. Part of this element comes from a certain nuance borrowed from the background scores of video games. While his new single sports many of the best attributes of these popular DJs, Kitty Bytes' own music is exceptionally non-derivative and remains his own. He cites as main artistic influences the work of Deadmau5, Mossy, Dinka, Shingo Nakamura, and Porter Robinson. His particular style is unique to him in the digital music underground, “Rage Quit” being his biggest public release to date. Kitty Bytes is a new electronic music artist with a deep love for the sound. Boasting a retro style and feel playing out over a steady build with a pounding, bass-heavy crescendo, “Rage Quit” is an EDM single which will have fans on the dance floor and airborne in droves. It has been proudly published as an independent release outside the influence and financial support of the corporate music industry. The composer and producer of digital music known as Kitty Bytes has released his latest single, “Rage Quit.” The track has been distributed to more than 750 online music outlets around the world and is poised to reach Kitty Bytes' largest number of fans yet.